So I have a listbox where the user can select multiple items, based on an array made from files in a folder.
Now I need to make an "All"-Item, which should remove the selection from all other items in the list. So basically a selectmode=multiple, with the ability to make that one item exclusive (like shown in the picture below).
That is possible using <<ListboxSelect>>
event handler, select_clear
function and a custom flag variable.
If a user changes selection and All
was previously selected then All
should be unselected and the all_selected
flag should become False
When All
is selected and the flag is False
then the rest of the items should be unselected and the all_selected
flag should become True
from tkinter import *
top = Tk()
listbox = Listbox(top, selectmode = 'multiple')
listbox.pack_configure(padx = 30, pady = 10)
items = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux']
listbox.insert(0, *items)
listbox.insert(listbox.size(), 'All')
listbox.all_selected = False
def on_listbox_select(event):
lbox = event.widget
last = lbox.size() - 1
if lbox.all_selected:
lbox.all_selected = False
if last in lbox.curselection():
lbox.select_clear(0, last - 1)
lbox.all_selected = True
listbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', on_listbox_select)
button = Button(top, text = 'Do some stuff')
button.pack_configure(pady = 10)