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How to add Icons to TYPO3 bootstrap package

I have bootstrap_package 11 and I want to add TikTok to the social media channels.

What I did so far:
In my Site Package I added the following to constants.typoscript:

page {
  theme {
    enable = 1
    channels {

      facebook {
        label = Facebook
        # cat=bootstrap package: social media/165/01_facebook_url;     type=string; label=Facebook: Insert the full account url
        url =
      instagram {
        label = Instagram
        # cat=bootstrap package: social media/165/01_facebook_url; type=string; label=Facebook: Insert the full account url
        url =
      youtube {
        label = Youtube
        url =
      tiktok {
        label = TikTok
        url =

Facebook, Instagram and Youtube show up in the constant editor and on the footer of my page.

After some research and a hint from the community it turns out that bootstrap_package is carefully optimized and includes a very small number of bootstrap icons, not including the TikTok icon.

I tried various ways to override the default icon set to no avail. Is there any decent way to add an icon to the boostrap icons set?


  • bootstrap_package have only a limited set of icons.

    If you want to have more icons, you can install this extension:

    The extension quellenform/t3x-iconpack, on which this is based, is also added.

    Next, add the iconpack TypoScript with your TypoScript template in BE - add it at the end of your TypoScript so that it's not overwritten by bootstrap_package.

    Then you can override the template EXT:bootstrap_package/Resources/Private/Partials/Page/Structure/SocialLinks.html with your own EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Partials/Page/Structure/SocialLinks.html

    This contains the following HTML code, for example:

    <html xmlns:f=""
    <f:if condition="{theme.socialmedia.channels}">
        <div class="sociallinks">
            <ul class="sociallinks-list">
                <f:for each="{theme.socialmedia.channels}" key="channelKey" as="channelOptions">
                    <f:if condition="{channelOptions.url}">
                        <li class="sociallinks-item" title="{channelOptions.label}">
                            <a class="sociallinks-link" href="{channelOptions.url}" rel="noopener" target="_blank">
                                <i:icon iconfig="bi1,{channelKey}" additionalAttributes="{style:'color:#d3cfcf'}" />
                                <span class="sociallinks-link-label">{channelOptions.label}</span>

    The code <i:icon iconfig="bi1,{channelKey}" additionalAttributes="{style:'color:#d3cfcf'}" /> displays the required icon with an individual color.