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System.Text.Json missing in published Azure Function

I recently merged 2 projects (Service made of Azure Functions & Common libraries) and I had to upgrade a few dependencies to fix compliance and compatibility issues.

The function app gets deployed correctly, but I get this when the function is invoked:

Exception while executing function: ActiveTestEventGenV2 Could not load file or assembly 'System.Text.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

I updated all the projects in my solution to target net6.0 and I am using Azure Functions V4.

I have a vague idea what is happening; I have a direct dependency on System.Text.Json and I also have a transitive dependency on the same, but with a different version.

I do not understand the issue completely. Please link any documentation, blog, or video that explains the issue. I have linked a blog below, but I don't think this blog applies to my error as I am not targetting older dotnet versions - all my projects are targetting net6.0.

Here's all I have tried to resolve the issue:

  • I read through this blog and added the RestoreProjectStyle, but wasn't able to resolve the issue:

  • Explicitly added dependency to each csproj file, didn't work.

  • Added explicit dependency in solution's common Directory.Build.targets, didn't work.

  • Added a build script that automatically copies the dll to publish directory. The dll is copied, but it didn't resolve the issue. The function app still ran into the above issue.

  • I could not find how do I set "Copy Local" (Basically forcing copying local dlls to final) in Visual Studio 2022.

  • I set the option true to csproj, does not work!

  • Used Visual Studio to try and consolidate dependencies, it didn't show multiple versions of System.Text.Json.

Can I please get some help on this?

As I write this question, I am planning to run dependency analyzers and see which version of System.Text.Json are being used by my solution.


  • This is related to Azure Function cleaning up dlls that it thinks are unnecessary to reduce the deployment size.

    What seems to have worked is adding <_FunctionsSkipCleanOutput>true</_FunctionsSkipCleanOutput> flag in PropertyGroup - please note that this might increase your function size and increase your cold start time. I don't really care about it much because of my usecase, but there's another way to whitelist dependencies. Here's a blog post explaining this: