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Plot linetype manually ggplot

I want to plot linetypes manually according to weather it is a country (objects of analysis) or a group of countries for comparison. I also renamed the observations from the country code to the name of the country for presentation reasons. That last part has worked so far, but I can't seem to know if it is causing the problem.

I have written this code:

data_pop_growth_rate_output_worker %>% filter(ref_area == "CHN" |
                                               ref_area == "PRK" |
                                               ref_area == "VNM" |
                                               ref_area == "X05") %>% 
  mutate(ref_area = recode(ref_area,
                          CHN = "China",
                          PRK = "Coreia",
                          VNM = "Vietnã",
                          X05 = "Mundo: alta renda")) %>% 
  geom_line(aes(x = time,
                y = obs_value,
                colour = ref_area))+
  scale_color_manual(values = c("China" = "#FE6100",
                    "Coreia" =  "#648FFF",
                    "Vietnã" = "#FFB000",
                    "Mundo: alta renda" = "#785EF0"
  scale_linetype_manual(values = c("China" = "solid",
                    "Coreia" =  "solid",
                    "Vietnã" = "solid",
                    "Mundo: alta renda" = "dotted"

The result is:

enter image description here

I manual scalling of linetype doesn't seem to work. The world ("mundo") area stays solid.

Tried to manually plot a dotted line type for one specific observation.


  • Uncertain without data, but you need to add aes(linetype=ref_area). Perhaps

      geom_line(aes(x = time,
                    y = obs_value,
                    colour = ref_area,
                    linetype = ref_area)) +                  ## add this
      scale_color_manual(values = c("China" = "#FE6100",
                        "Coreia" =  "#648FFF",
                        "Vietnã" = "#FFB000",
                        "Mundo: alta renda" = "#785EF0"
      scale_linetype_manual(values = c("China" = "solid",
                        "Coreia" =  "solid",
                        "Vietnã" = "solid",
                        "Mundo: alta renda" = "dotted"