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How to query from a table in Bigquery with a dictionary with value of list of lists

I have a bigquery table as following

idx info
1 {'columns':['name','age'], 'data':[['Sheldon', 29], ['Raj',28]]}
2 {'columns':['name','age'], 'data':[['Leonard', 28], ['Howard',29]]}

info is a string column

I want to unnest it like the bellow

idx name age
1 Sheldon 29
1 Raj 28
2 Leonard 28
2 Howard 29


  • Consider also below solution (BigQuery) with column names also derived from data

        idx, pos, TRIM(column, '"\'') AS column, TRIM(value, '[]"\'') AS value
      FROM data,
      UNNEST(JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY(info, '$.data')) AS entry WITH OFFSET AS pos,
      UNNEST(SPLIT(entry)) AS value WITH offset
      LEFT JOIN UNNEST(JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY(info, '$.columns')) AS column WITH offset 
      USING (offset)
    PIVOT (ANY_VALUE(value) FOR column IN ("name", "age"))

    If applied to sample data in your question, output is

    enter image description here

    If you have different or more columns - you just adjust in one place FOR column IN ("name", "age")) For example

    WITH data AS (
      SELECT 1 AS idx, '{"columns":["name","age", "gender"],"data":[["Sheldon",29,"male"],["Raj",28,"female"]]}' AS info UNION ALL
      SELECT 2 AS idx, '{"columns":["name","age", "gender"],"data":[["Leonarda",28,"female"],["Howard",29,"male"]]}' AS info
        idx, pos, TRIM(column, '"\'') AS column, TRIM(value, '[]"\'') AS value
      FROM data,
      UNNEST(JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY(info, '$.data')) AS entry WITH OFFSET AS pos,
      UNNEST(SPLIT(entry)) AS value WITH offset
      LEFT JOIN UNNEST(JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY(info, '$.columns')) AS column WITH offset 
      USING (offset)
    PIVOT (ANY_VALUE(value) FOR column IN ("name", "age", "gender"))

    gives you below output

    enter image description here