I am working with a database containing people, each having an isRetired
By default, I retrieve non-retired people, but I need to implement functionality on the screen to display people in three ways:
How can I achieve this functionality in my application?
There is the problem, that i can retrieve data only by retired false or true. I thought by adding new parameter "ShowAll" and add if statement to service method(like is ShowAll=true then query without retired), but it seems confusing for me as when someone will debugging he could see like wow: ShowAll is true but Retired is false or true. What is going on and what data should be received? Does C# have any feature for this?
Here is my DTO I`m working with
public class PeopleDto
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool Retired { get; set; }
My Controller
public ActionResult<PaginatedResult<People>> GetAll([FromQuery] PeopleDto peopleDto) => Ok(_peopleService.GetAll(peopleDto));
Here is my Service method
public PaginatedResult<People> GetAll(PeopleDto peopleDto)
var peopleList = _dbContext.People
.Where(people => String.IsNullOrEmpty(peopleDto.Name)
|| people.Name.Contains(peopleDto.Name))
.OrderBy(people => people.Id)
int totalItems = _dbContext.People
.Count(people => String.IsNullOrEmpty(peopleDto.Name)
|| people.Name.Contains(peopleDto.Name));
var paginatedPeople = new PaginatedResult<People>
Items = peopleList,
TotalCount = totalItems,
return paginatedPeople;
public static class QueryableExtensions
public static IQueryable<T> IsRetired<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, bool isRetired) where T : People =>
query.Where(people => people.Retired == isRetired);
First, update your PeopleDto class to make Retired property nullable:
public bool? Retired { get; set; }
Then, create ApplyFilters method to handle the Retired property and handle other parameters, example like this:
public static class QueryExtensions
public static IQueryable<T> ApplyFilters<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, BaseConfigurationFilterDto baseFilter) where T : DeviceConfiguration
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(baseFilter.Name))
query = query.Where(configuration => EF.Functions.ILike(configuration.Name, $"%{baseFilter.Name}%"));
if (baseFilter is ConfigurationFilterDto configurationFilter)
if (configurationFilter.Retired.HasValue)
query = query.Where(configuration => configuration.Retired == configurationFilter.Retired.Value);
return query;
In your PeopleService class, update the GetAll method to use the ApplyFilters method:
var query = _dbContext.People
.Where(people => String.IsNullOrEmpty(peopleDto.Name) || people.Name.Contains(peopleDto.Name))
.OrderBy(people => people.Id);
query = query.ApplyFilters(peopleDto);
var peopleList = query.ToList();