The code is simple:
N = 40;
fs = 20 * 10 ^ 9;
freq = [0, 1 * 10 ^ 9, 2 * 10 ^ 9, 3 * 10 ^ 9, 5 * 10 ^ 9, 7.5 * 10 ^ 9, 10 * 10 ^ 9]
mag = [1, 1, 1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.005, 0.001]
d = fdesign.arbmag('N,F,A', N, freq, mag, fs);
W = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
fir = design(d, 'equiripple', 'weights', W, 'SystemObject', true);
sents = ones(1, 300) * 1.0;
rcvds = fir(sents);
% plot
hold on
legend('sents', 'received')
It should be low-pass. I input a DC signal. But the output signal is extremely small:
Your filter is correct, checking with freqz
, you can even give it a step response, which is what your DC signal is doing (going directly to a value from 0). Here is the result of this:
The problem is that you are giving it the data as a row, so the filter is applied on every column. Which means you end up with a row, where every column in that row is considered a signal to be filtered. To fix, use this: sents = ones(1, 300)' * amplitude;
After that, your plot will look like this: