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Expand advanced pdf/html template by script

I'm trying to load an existing Advanced PDF/HTML Template, transform it to a string, do some changes to it and print it to a pdf file. The only thing that so far seems to not be possible is loading the template. Once I have it as string, the rest should be easy with the N/render module. I tried getting to it by a saved search but it's no search option. Loading it from the file would be the obvious way to go but there doesn't seem to be a file where the template is saved in (at least not in the file cabinet).

The current setup consists of 3 scripts. 1st is a UserEventScript adding a button to a form. 2nd is a ClientScript called by button click. 3rd is a RESTlet triggered by the ClientScript, gathering data and supposed to be doing the magic.

I can't just use different print templates because the final solution is supposed to be used as SuiteApp thus has to be as dynamic as possible.

Any hints?


  • Okay, took some time but I figured it out.

    var renderer = render.create();
    var template_data = renderer.templateContent;