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I have created buttons on my website, but I can't get them to line up correctly

My code is below: When you run it, the buttons go right under each other. Is there a way to make them go side-by-side with space in between them? Can someone help me do it, with like a template? And also, when a new line starts, it doesn't go off the page, and it goes under the buttons. Thank you to whoever is able to help me with this problem.

/* The secret sauce that enables gradient rotation. NOTE: does not work in all browsers. */
@property --border-angle-1 {
    syntax: "<angle>";
    inherits: true;
    initial-value: 0deg;

@property --border-angle-2 {
    syntax: "<angle>";
    inherits: true;
    initial-value: 90deg;

@property --border-angle-3 {
    syntax: "<angle>";
    inherits: true;
    initial-value: 180deg;

/* sRGB color. */
:root {
    --bright-blue: rgb(0, 100, 255);
    --bright-green: rgb(0, 255, 0);
    --bright-red: rgb(255, 0, 0);
    --background: black;
    --foreground: white;
    --border-size: 2px;
    --border-radius: 0.75em;

/* Display-P3 color, when supported. */
@supports (color: color(display-p3 1 1 1)) {
    :root {
        --bright-blue: color(display-p3 0 0.2 1);
        --bright-green: color(display-p3 0.4 1 0);
        --bright-red: color(display-p3 1 0 0);

@keyframes rotateBackground {
    to { --border-angle-1: 360deg; }

@keyframes rotateBackground2 {
    to { --border-angle-2: -270deg; }

@keyframes rotateBackground3 {
    to { --border-angle-3: 540deg; }

body {
    background: var(--background);
    color: var(--foreground);
    min-height: 100dvh;
    display: grid;
    place-content: center;
    margin: 0;
    font-family: "Aspekta";

button {
    --border-angle-1: 0deg;
    --border-angle-2: 90deg;
    --border-angle-3: 180deg;
    color: inherit;
    font-size: calc(0.8rem + 4vmin);
    font-family: inherit;
    border: 0;
    padding: var(--border-size);
    display: flex;
    width: max-content;
    border-radius: var(--border-radius);
    background-color: transparent;
    background-image: conic-gradient(
            from var(--border-angle-1) at 10% 15%,
            var(--bright-blue) 10%,
            transparent 30%,
            from var(--border-angle-2) at 70% 60%,
            var(--bright-green) 10%,
            transparent 60%,
            from var(--border-angle-3) at 50% 20%,
            var(--bright-red) 10%,
            transparent 50%,
        rotateBackground 3s linear infinite,
        rotateBackground2 8s linear infinite,
        rotateBackground3 13s linear infinite;

/* Change this background to transparent to see how the gradient works */
button div {
    background: var(--background); 
    padding: 1em 1.5em;
    border-radius: calc(var(--border-radius) - var(--border-size));
    color: var(--foreground);

@font-face {
    font-family: "Aspekta";
    font-weight: normal;
    src: url("") format("woff2");
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>techguyaj24's GameVerse!</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<a href="">
        <img src="">

<a href="">
        <img src="">


  • This is awesome effect. I placed the buttons inside a display: flex container as immediate children. This will align them. I also added gap: 20px as suggested in comments.

    .d-flex {
      display: flex;
    .gap-20 {
      gap: 20px;
    /* The secret sauce that enables gradient rotation. NOTE: does not work in all browsers. */
    @property --border-angle-1 {
      syntax: "<angle>";
      inherits: true;
      initial-value: 0deg;
    @property --border-angle-2 {
      syntax: "<angle>";
      inherits: true;
      initial-value: 90deg;
    @property --border-angle-3 {
      syntax: "<angle>";
      inherits: true;
      initial-value: 180deg;
    /* sRGB color. */
    :root {
      --bright-blue: rgb(0, 100, 255);
      --bright-green: rgb(0, 255, 0);
      --bright-red: rgb(255, 0, 0);
      --background: black;
      --foreground: white;
      --border-size: 2px;
      --border-radius: 0.75em;
    /* Display-P3 color, when supported. */
    @supports (color: color(display-p3 1 1 1)) {
       :root {
        --bright-blue: color(display-p3 0 0.2 1);
        --bright-green: color(display-p3 0.4 1 0);
        --bright-red: color(display-p3 1 0 0);
    @keyframes rotateBackground {
      to {
        --border-angle-1: 360deg;
    @keyframes rotateBackground2 {
      to {
        --border-angle-2: -270deg;
    @keyframes rotateBackground3 {
      to {
        --border-angle-3: 540deg;
    body {
      background: var(--background);
      color: var(--foreground);
      min-height: 100dvh;
      display: grid;
      place-content: center;
      margin: 0;
      font-family: "Aspekta";
    button {
      --border-angle-1: 0deg;
      --border-angle-2: 90deg;
      --border-angle-3: 180deg;
      color: inherit;
      font-size: calc(0.8rem + 4vmin);
      font-family: inherit;
      border: 0;
      padding: var(--border-size);
      display: flex;
      width: max-content;
      border-radius: var(--border-radius);
      background-color: transparent;
      background-image: conic-gradient( from var(--border-angle-1) at 10% 15%, transparent, var(--bright-blue) 10%, transparent 30%, transparent), conic-gradient( from var(--border-angle-2) at 70% 60%, transparent, var(--bright-green) 10%, transparent 60%, transparent), conic-gradient( from var(--border-angle-3) at 50% 20%, transparent, var(--bright-red) 10%, transparent 50%, transparent);
      animation: rotateBackground 3s linear infinite, rotateBackground2 8s linear infinite, rotateBackground3 13s linear infinite;
    /* Change this background to transparent to see how the gradient works */
    button div {
      background: var(--background);
      padding: 1em 1.5em;
      border-radius: calc(var(--border-radius) - var(--border-size));
      color: var(--foreground);
    Text before container
    <div class="d-flex gap-20">
        <a href="">
            <img src="">
        <a href="">
            <img src="">
    Text after container