I have a component called ImageUpload that handles pictures upload and then emit the values. I use that component inside a component called IngredientForm and it works, the problem is inside IngredientForm there's another component called ModifyIngredientModal where i use ImageUpload again and when the event is emitted from there then it's handled with the method i've wrote inside IngredientForm and not the one from ModifyIngredientModal.
Basically the grand-parent is handling the child event instead of the parent.
this is the code of ModifyIngredientModal
[label]="'recipes.editor.ingredients.picture' | transloco"
uploadNewPicture(uploadedPictures: customFile[]) {
if (uploadedPictures[0]) {
this.ingredientPicture = uploadedPictures[0];
} else {
and this is the one from IngredientForm
[label]="'recipes.editor.ingredients.picture' | transloco"
getIngredientUploadedPhoto(uploadedPictures: customFile[]) {
if (uploadedPictures[0]) {
this.ingredientPicture = uploadedPictures[0];
} else {
this.ingredientPicture = null;
in the console i can only see FORM printed, i was expecting that the parent would handle the event and it stops there, i could understand the event being handled by both of them but surely not having only the grand parent handling it
ok i've found the problem, basically my component wrapped the input for the file in a label and used the attribute for of the label to reference the input. my two component had the same id so when i clicked the second it probably read the html top - down and activated the event for the first one... stack blitz worked because i didnt have any css there so i was clicking on the normal input