I'm trying this one according to documentation "nested starts at first char", but that doesn't work, falls into quotation mode idk why btw.
## 1. Section 1
1. Step 1.1
2. Step 1.2
1. Step 1.1
2. Step 1.2
Then I've tried "three spaces" or "four spaces" indentation, didn't work too.
## 1. Section 1
1. Step 1.1
2. Step 1.2
Any advices other than manual numbering?
Thanks in advance!
You can't nest a list item inside a heading. The content of the heading is only ever parsed an inline content. If you eliminate the heading, then things will work as expected.
1. Section 1
1. Step 1.1
2. Step 1.2
The above renders as the following HTML:
<li>Section 1
<li>Step 1.1</li>
<li>Step 1.2</li>
which browsers will render as
- Section 1
- Step 1.1
- Step 1.2
However, if you try to include a list item in a heading.
# 1. List item
it will not render as a list item. You get
<h1>1. List item</h1>
Notice that there is no <ol>
and <li>
tags there. Its just the plain text. And because that is not a list item, you can't nest child list items in it.
Of course, that means you don't get the large bold text of a heading. Of course, you could define some custom CSS, but a simpler approach would be to nest a heading inside a list item.
1. ## Section 1
1. Step 1.1
2. Step 1.2
That renders to this HTML
<h2>Section 1</h2>
<li>Step 1.1</li>
<li>Step 1.2</li>
and like this in the browser:
Section 1
- Step 1.1
- Step 1.2
Be warned however, that this only works on some implementations of Markdown. Specifically it works on Commonmark implementations, but not on most old-school implementations. YMMV.