I have tried running the command below
gcloud artifacts repositories create gke-cloud-sql-repo --project=unimitra --repository-format=docker --location=asia-south1-b --description="GKE Quickstart sample app"
I have checked the project name and location both are correct. yet I am getting the error below
ERROR: (gcloud.artifacts.repositories.create) INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid project: "projects/unimitra/locations/asia-south1-b"
I tried running the same command
gcloud artifacts repositories create gke-cloud-sql-repo --project=project_ID --repository-format=docker --location=asia-south1-b --description="GKE Quickstart sample app"
and got the same error
ERROR: (gcloud.artifacts.repositories.create) INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid project: "projects/project_ID/locations/asia-south1-b"
You are trying to create an Artifact registry
under the zone. Creating a Artifact Registry
only supported under regions not zones. Try removing the zone -b
by ruining the below command and it should work as expected:
gcloud artifacts repositories create gke-cloud-sql-repo --project=project_ID --repository-format=docker --location=asia-south1 --description="GKE Quickstart sample app"
To view a list of supported repository locations, run the command:
gcloud artifacts locations list
Or, Check this document to view the Available regions