I was making a basic tkinter program that would change the text of a label. When the program was run, it already said "You clicked the button!" while the button was not clicked. Note that I did not click it.
Also, I tried using other commands like print("") but the program printed whatever was written automatically at the start of the program.
Here's my code
from tkinter import *
Window = Tk()
Window.title("Button on Click")
Label1 = Label(Window, text="Click the button")
Label1.grid(column=2, row=1)
def Click():
Label1.configure(text="You clicked the button!")
Label1.grid(column=2, row=1)
Button1 = Button(Window, text="Surprise!", fg="blue", command=Click())
Button1.grid(column=1, row=1)
you called the command at
Button1 = Button(Window, text="Surprise!", fg="blue", command=Click())
i believe it should be without the brackets
Button1 = Button(Window, text="Surprise!", fg="blue", command=Click)