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How to remove all <td> style of a specific table?

I have this table "wordTable". Each <td> has an id.

<table id="wordTable">
<td id="1">ac</td>  <td id="2">bd</td>
<td id="3">bf</td>  <td id="4">uy</td>
<td id="5">ca</td><td></td>

Some <td> got its style changed ramdomly. For example

document.getElementById("1").style.color ="red";

document.getElementById("3").style.color ="blue";

document.getElementById("2").style.color ="green";

How to remove all style of table "wordTable" so that the table becomes to its original state?

Maybe something like this document.getElementById('wordTable').TD. removeStyle();


  • You can remove the inline style of each element within the table by looping through all elements and setting their style attribute to an empty string.


    document.getElementById("1").style.color ="red";
    document.getElementById("3").style.color ="blue";
    document.getElementById("2").style.color ="green";
    //get all <td> elements within the table with id 'wordTable'
    var tdElements = document.querySelectorAll('#wordTable td');
    //loop through each <td> element and remove its inline style
    tdElements.forEach(function(td) { = '';
    <table id="wordTable">
        <td id="1">ac</td>  <td id="2">bd</td>
        <td id="3">bf</td>  <td id="4">uy</td>
        <td id="5">ca</td><td></td>