Can any one explain me the following code behavior ?? -->
Public Type User
firstName As String
lastName As String
End Type
Sub test()
Dim userList(1) As User
Dim user1 As User
user1.firstName = "Tom"
user1.lastName = "Hanks"
userList(0) = user1
Debug.Print "0 userList(0).firstName=" & userList(0).firstName & " userList(0).lastName=" & userList(0).lastName
user1.lastName = "Cruise"
Debug.Print "1 userList(0).firstName=" & userList(0).firstName & " userList(0).lastName=" & userList(0).lastName
End Sub
And the console displays :
0 userList(0).firstName=Tom userList(0).lastName=Hanks
1 userList(0).firstName=Tom userList(0).lastName=Hanks
So my question is : why the console does not display
1 userList(0).firstName=Tom userList(0).lastName=Cruise
It looks like if vba insert a copy of the object I want to insert but not the original object.
Thanks for your answers.
This problem just happend, I did not succeed to solve it, but if I can't probably I will change my code so that all the initialization of the object will be done before the insertion in the array, but it is not very clean IMHO.
Ok I think I understand my mistake thanks to Ike and GSerg comments : indeed I assumed a user defined type behaved like a classic object but no, and if I consider it behaves like a primitive type, all becomes clear.