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Seeking programming language which meets these few requirements

Seeking programming language. Must have the following qualities (in order of ascending length of feature in characters):

  • Compiled
  • Namespaces
  • Garbage collection
  • Omits OOP features!
  • Fixed number of types
  • Available on Mac OS X
  • First-class functions
  • Dynamic typing preferred
  • Closures (lexical scoping)
  • Can interface with C libraries (ncurses, etc)
  • Availability on linux a plus but not necessary


To give a little more context, I want to be able to use it to write command-line utilities for linux/BSD/Mac, which may or may not use existing C libraries (such as ncurses, etc).

Update for clarification:

Namespaces: I want to avoid having to name my function string_strip when I could create a new namespace called string and define in it a function named strip.

Omits OOP Features: There's definitely a difference between a language having a feature and me not using it, versus the language intentionally omitting it. If I wanted to use Go but without touching anything OOP-related, I couldn't use most of the standard library.

Fixed number of types: Why would a languages without OOP give you the option of creating a custom "type"? What does type even mean without OOP? It would probably just be used for composition of types, ie. a Person = struct { Name, Age }, whereas you could do this with a Hash or Map just fine.

Dynamic typing preferred: Type inference is fine, I guess......


  • I'm not sure what you mean by namespaces, but aren't you describing Scheme?