I am trying to remove links to templates on a large number of word documents spread a large directory and subdirectories. So far, I have been able to remove templates on individual documents, or an a directory, but not on subdirectories. I have been trying to utilize Graham Mayor's Batch processes utility https://www.gmayor.com/document_batch_processes.htm but to no avail. No errors are reported and all files in a test directory are listed as having been modified but none of them have the normal template instead of the prior specified templates. I am also open to using Powershell for this, but i have not investigated how to do that yet and have a sunken cost in VBA at this point.
Here is my Function used in Graham Mayor's tool:
Function TemplateReplace(oDoc As Document) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
With ActiveDocument
.UpdateStylesOnOpen = False
.AttachedTemplate = _
End With
Exit Function
TemplateReplace = False
Resume lbl_Exit
End Function
This code returns no errors and claims it completes successfully, but the template still shows as the prior specified template instead of the normal.dotm necessary.
I also have the entirety of my code that I have successfully used to change the template for all documents in a directory, but not subdirectories, in case that is easier to modify. Source for this info: https://www.litigationsupporttipofthenight.com/single-post/2020/07/21/vba-code-to-run-a-macro-on-multiple-word-files
Sub RunMacroMultipleFiles()
Dim File
Dim path As String
' this code taken from Running a macro on all files in a folder - Tips for Module Creation
' Path to your folder. MY folder is listed below. I bet yours is different.
' make SURE you include the terminating "\"
path = "MYPATH"
'Change this file extension to the file you are opening. .htm is listed below. You may have rtf or docx.
File = Dir(path & "*.docx")
Do While File <> ""
Documents.Open FileName:=path & File
' This is the call to the macro you want to run on each file the folder
'YOU MUST EDIT THIS. You put your Macro name here.
Call TemplateRemoval
' set file to next in Dir
File = Dir()
End Sub
Sub TemplateRemoval()
' TemplateRemoval Macro
With ActiveDocument
.UpdateStylesOnOpen = False
.AttachedTemplate = _
.Close _
SaveChanges:=wdSaveChanges, _
End With
End Sub
This second code block would work if it could filter through subdirectories, but I have over 300 directories to go through and that isn't feasible.
Something like this should work:
Sub RunMacroMultipleFiles()
Const ROOT_PATH As String = "C:\Temp\" 'for example
Dim docFiles As Collection, f As Object, doc As Document
Set docFiles = GetFileMatches(ROOT_PATH, "*.docx")
For Each f In docFiles
Set doc = Documents.Open(f.path)
TemplateRemoval doc 'pass document to `TemplateRemoval`
Next f
End Sub
Sub TemplateRemoval(doc As Document)
With doc
.UpdateStylesOnOpen = False
.AttachedTemplate = ""
.Close SaveChanges:=wdSaveChanges, _
End With
End Sub
'Return a collection of file objects given a starting folder and a file pattern
' e.g. "*.txt"
'Pass False for last parameter if don't want to check subfolders
Function GetFileMatches(startFolder As String, filePattern As String, _
Optional subFolders As Boolean = True) As Collection
Dim fso, fldr, f, subFldr
Dim colFiles As New Collection 'for files to be returned
Dim colSub As New Collection 'for queueing subfolders
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
colSub.Add startFolder 'start point for searching
Do While colSub.Count > 0 'while have any folders to check...
Set fldr = fso.getfolder(colSub(1)) 'get the next folder
colSub.Remove 1 '...and remove from the queue
For Each f In fldr.Files 'check files in this folder
If UCase(f.Name) Like UCase(filePattern) Then colFiles.Add f
Next f
If subFolders Then 'any subfolders to add to the queue?
For Each subFldr In fldr.subFolders
colSub.Add subFldr.path
Next subFldr
End If
Set GetFileMatches = colFiles
End Function