I can't seem to get this working.
It errors at this code:
Window[0].MdiParent = this;
Main Form contains:
static List<frmWindow> Window = new List<frmWindow>();
Window.Add(new frmWindow("windowName", 0));
Window[0].MdiParent = this; // Errors here
Window[0].Show(); // If I omit the above, then it will attempt to show the screen,
// but freeze and not focus (like it freezes in initialization phase)
public frmWindow(string name, int id)
Name = name;
ID = id;
//lblName.Text = name;
There is also an event handler I will need to use on the MDI form. I'm using other forms the exact same way, the only difference is, they aren't in a List<T>
. Maybe there is an alternative?
Edit for stack:
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_Handle()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_CreateThreadId()
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.set_MdiParentInternal(Form value)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.set_MdiParent(Form value)
at Matrix.Client.frmMain.JoinRoom(eventData e) in \frmMain.cs:line 418
at Matrix.Client.frmMain.Matrix_MatrixToUIEvent(Object sender, eventData e) in \frmMain.cs:line 401
at Matrix.Client.MatrixHolder.Matrix.ServerToMatrixEvent(Object sender, eventData e) in \Matrix.Client\Matrix.cs:line 214
at Matrix.Client.Models.ServerModels.ServerModel.Server.<>c__DisplayClass30_0.<<_StageTwoReaderServer>b__0>d.MoveNext() in Client\Models\ServerModels\ServerModel.cs:line 223
I think your error could be here:
this.IsMdiContainer = true;
this.Text = "MDI Parent";
then in this code: static List Window = new List();
Window.Add(new frmWindow("windowName", 0));
Window[0].MdiParent = this; // Errors here
Window[0].Show(); // If I omit the above, then it will attempt to show the screen,
// but freeze and not focus (like it freezes in initialization phase)
Perhaps you intend to show the last created window, in that case :
Window.Add(new frmWindow("windowName", 0));
Window[^1].MdiParent = this; // Errors here
not sure what your constructor is doing; perhaps update the answer with more details if this doesn't help
as per your comment, you mention a background thread then perhaps try this:
// Assuming this code is in a Form or Control
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() =>
Window.Add(new frmWindow("windowName", 0));
Window[^1].MdiParent = this; // Errors here
Window.Add(new frmWindow("windowName", 0));
Window[^1].MdiParent = this; // Errors here