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MAUI slider with a tooltip implementation

I'm trying to implement a slider with a tooltip showing current value. The idea is to make something like a HTML + JS with a value bubble ( Both ideas I've come with so far are not ideal.


        ValueChanged ="slider1_ValueChanged"                

        BindingContext="{x:Reference slider1}"
        Text="{Binding Value}"

C# code

private async void slider1_ValueChanged(object sender, ValueChangedEventArgs e)
    var slider = sender as Slider;

        // Idea 1
        labelPositionBubble.TranslationX += (e.NewValue - e.OldValue) * (slider.Width / slider.Maximum);
        // Idea 2
        labelPositionBubble.TranslateTo(slider.Value * (slider.Width / slider.Maximum), labelPositionBubble.Y + 20, 10);

I've tried calculating the translation (see 'Idea 1') and using TranslateTo() method (see 'Idea 2').

First works relatively smooth but is imprecise. Label isn't perfectly aligned with a slider's thumb and moves ahead / lags behind slightly. (Is there a mistake in my formula?)

Second method works better in terms of precision, but UX is way worse: label tends to move with a noticeable jerk (since TranslateTo() is a method for animation, I guess).


labelPositionBubble.TranslationX = 16 + slider.Value * ((slider.Width - 32) / slider.Maximum) - labelPositionBubble.Width / 2;

labelPositionBubble.TranslationY = -20;

labelPositionBubble.Width / 2 centers the label.

TranslationY = -20; positions the label above the slider, use positive values to position below.


  • slider.Width is the whole width of the Slider control. But there is still a small Padding for the left and right edge. So, the count is not precise, I think. See the picture below,

    enter image description here

    I will make a little change to the formula to make it become more precise,

    labelPositionBubble.TranslationX = 16 + e.NewValue * ((slider.Width - 32) / slider.Maximum);

    First, we should get the Padding value from the left or the right. We could use Handler here.

        double offset = 0;
    #if ANDROID
        var seekbar = slider.Handler.PlatformView as AbsSeekBar;
        var padding = seekbar.PaddingLeft;
        offset = padding / DeviceDisplay.Current.MainDisplayInfo.Density;

    The padding value we get is physical pixel. And we have to turn it to device-independent units by using padding / DeviceDisplay.Current.MainDisplayInfo.Density. For PIXEL5, that value is 16. I havn't tested on other emulators.

    For windows, I recommend you set,

    Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.SliderHandler.Mapper.AppendToMapping("MyCustomization", (handler, view) =>
    #if WINDOWS
        handler.PlatformView.IsThumbToolTipEnabled = true;

    Then it will show a built-in tooltip.

    Hope it helps!