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Custom layout occupies all horizontal space

I have a custom layout that lays views from left to right and if horizontal space runs out then it lays the next views below. If I put a basic text element that says "hello" inside this custom layout then the view occupies all the horizontal space. How can I adjust my setup so the custom layout only occupies the needed horizontal space?

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        CustomLayout {
struct CustomLayout: Layout {
    var alignment: Alignment = .leading
    var spacing: CGFloat = 0
    func sizeThatFits(proposal: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache: inout ()) -> CGSize {
        let maxWidth = proposal.width ?? 0
        var height: CGFloat = 0
        let rows = generateRows(maxWidth, proposal, subviews)
        for (index, row) in rows.enumerated() {
            if index == (rows.count - 1) {
                height += row.maxHeight(proposal)
            } else {
                height += row.maxHeight(proposal) + spacing
        return .init(width: maxWidth, height: height)
    func placeSubviews(in bounds: CGRect, proposal: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache: inout ()) {
        var origin = bounds.origin
        let maxWidth = bounds.width
        let rows = generateRows(maxWidth, proposal, subviews)
        for row in rows {
            let leading: CGFloat = bounds.maxX - maxWidth
            let trailing = bounds.maxX - (row.reduce( { partialResult, view in
                let width = view.sizeThatFits(proposal).width
                if view == row.last {
                    return partialResult + width
                return partialResult + width + spacing
            let center = (trailing + leading) / 2
            origin.x = (alignment == .leading ? leading : alignment == .trailing ? trailing : center)
            for view in row {
                let viewSize = view.sizeThatFits(proposal)
       origin, proposal: proposal)
                origin.x += (viewSize.width + spacing)
            origin.y += (row.maxHeight(proposal) + spacing)
    func generateRows(_ maxWidth: CGFloat, _ proposal: ProposedViewSize, _ subviews: Subviews) -> [[LayoutSubviews.Element]] {
        var row: [LayoutSubviews.Element] = []
        var rows: [[LayoutSubviews.Element]] = []
        var origin =
        for view in subviews {
            let viewSize = view.sizeThatFits(proposal)
            if (origin.x + viewSize.width + spacing) > maxWidth {
                origin.x = 0
                origin.x += (viewSize.width + spacing)
            } else {
                origin.x += (viewSize.width + spacing)

        if !row.isEmpty {
        return rows

extension [LayoutSubviews.Element] {
    func maxHeight(_ proposal: ProposedViewSize) -> CGFloat {
        return self.compactMap { view in
            return view.sizeThatFits(proposal).height
        }.max() ?? 0


  • The function sizeThatFits needs to compute the width that it really needs to fit inside the proposal it receives. At the moment it is just returning the proposed width it is given, so it is always using the full available width.

    For example, you could change the function sizeThatFits to something like this:

    func sizeThatFits(proposal: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache: inout ()) -> CGSize {
        let maxWidth = proposal.width ?? 0
        var width: CGFloat = 0
        var height: CGFloat = 0
        let rows = generateRows(maxWidth, proposal, subviews)
        for (index, row) in rows.enumerated() {
            var rowWidth =
            for (i, subview) in row.enumerated() {
                if i > 0 {
                    rowWidth += spacing
                rowWidth += subview.sizeThatFits(proposal).width
            width = max(width, rowWidth)
            if index == (rows.count - 1) {
                height += row.maxHeight(proposal)
            } else {
                height += row.maxHeight(proposal) + spacing
        return .init(width: width, height: height)
