In my fastapi app I have created a pydantic BaseModel with two fields (among others): 'relation_type' and 'document_list' (both are optional). I want to validate that, if 'relation_type' has a value, then, 'document_list' must have al least one element. Otherwise it will show a Validation error. How can I do it?
class TipoRelacionEnum(str, Enum):
nota_credito = "01"
nota_debito = "02"
devolucion_mercancias = "03"
sustitucion = "04"
traslado = "05"
facturacion_generada = "06"
anticipo = "07"
class Cfdi(BaseModel):
relation_type: Optional[Annotated[TipoRelacionEnum, Field(title="Tipo de Relación",
description="""Se debe registrar la clave de la relación que existe entre este
comprobante que se está generando y el o los CFDI previos.""",
max_length=2)]] = None
document_list: list[str] | None = None
Yes, you can use model_validator for that
from pydantic import BaseModel, model_validator
from typing import Optional
class Cfdi(BaseModel):
relation_type: Optional[...] = None
document_list: Optional[list[str]] = None
def check_two_fields_together(cls, data: dict) -> dict:
if relation_type and len(document_list) < 1:
raise ValueError("Error text")
return data