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How to have fixed options using Option.Applicative in haskell?

Lets say I am building an interface with the following command:

$ run --display (file/env/db) # default to file if invalid is entered

What I am looking for specifically is how to obtain an enum value with the following:


data type = File | Env | Db

When the command run --display file is entered, the enum File is returned.

As far as I know, the strOption and strArgument functions are used for any arbitrary string argument. I have read the complete documentation but couldn't figure out any easy solution for this. Any help would be appreciated.


  • You can work with a custom parser, like:

    import Data.Char(toLower)
    import Options.Applicative(ReadM, eitherReader)
    data OutputType = File | Env | Db
    parseOutputType :: ReadM OutputType
    parseOutputType = eitherReader $ (go . map toLower)
      where go "file" = Right File
            go "env" = Right Env
            go "db" = Right Db
            go _ = Left "Enter a valid option: file, env, or db"

    and then parse the options with:

    import Options.Applicative
    data MyOptions = MyOptions { display :: OutputType }
    parseOptions :: Parser MyOptions
    parseOptions = MyOptions <$> option parseOutputType (long "display")