I have an issue where INFILE and PROC IMPORT are not working because the log shows that SAS is adding an = sign to the file path that I never specified.
Proc import out = sasuser.tabdelim
datafile= “C:\Users\shaworth2\Documents\tabedelim.txt”
Dbms=tab replace;
getnames = YES
and the log is showing this error
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
260 Proc import out = sasuser.tabdelim
261 datafile= “C:\Users\shaworth2\Documents\tabedelim.txt=”
ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a name, a quoted string.
ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored.
262 Dbms=tab replace;
263 getnames = YES
264 Run;
Does anyone have any advice on how I can stop SAS thinking that there is a = at the end of my datafile path, please? is there a command or function to force an end of a string?
I really appreciate any help that I can get on this matter
Your syntax is correct. The problem is that your quotation marks are not correct. You are using right and left quotation marks when you should be using straight quotation marks, "
U+201C: “ Left Double Quotation Mark - 226 128 156
U+201D: ” Right Double Quotation Mark - 226 128 157
U+0022: " Straight Quotation Mark - 034
This usually happens when you copy/paste something from Word.
Remove the left/right quotes and replace them with "
, straight double quotation marks, by just pressing shift + quotation mark on your keyboard.