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How to prefix all the URLs of a swagger with L5-Swagger?

I am using L5-Swagger to build my swagger in PHP with Laravel. Can we prefix all endpoint URLs so as not to repeat them for each one? Typically the prefix "/api/v1" in this example:

enter image description here

I saw several options in config.l5-swagger.php, but I tried many things and failed to do so.


  • add this on top of your controller:

     * @OA\Info(
     *     version="1.0.0",
     *     title="Organization",
     *     description="test description",
     *     @OA\Contact(
     *         name="test",
     *         email="test@test"
     *     ),
     * ),
     * @OA\Server(
     *     url="/api/v1",
     * ),
    class YourController extends Controller

    then you have to set like this documentation for all of your controller method.

    suggestion: if you using PHP 8.1 or higher Laravel 8.x or higher instead of using L5-Swagger use dedoc/scramble it will generate document automatically for you and it's build on top of swagger