I'm reading "Programming in Lua, Forth Edition", and I'm stuck on exercise 13.1, because Lua does not seem to behave like in the book. The section 13.2, about Unsigned Integers, states:
> x = 13835058055282163712 -- 3ul << 62ul
> x --> -4611686018427387904
But if I do that in Lua 5.4, Windows x64, or Lua 5.3, WSL x64, they both behave like this:
> x = 13835058055282163712
> x
> math.type(x)
So, I have 2 questions:
At the time the book was written (it corresponds to Lua version 5.3.0) Lua had wrong behavior of reading long integer literals: it wraparounded them.
Later, in Lua 5.3.3 this behavior has been corrected to a more user-friendly.
As for now, when a decimal integer literal in beyond int64 range, Lua reads it as float number to preserve its numeric value. Hexadecimal integer literals are wraparounded.