I have an SQL file like this with a variable:
I set on my shell
export MY_VAR=ABC
Now I run liquibase.sh to apply my SQL to the DB. I can see that in my database it contains the value 'ABC'.
I can see from the documentation that this mechanism is supported 1 2, but documentation states it should only do this for variables starting with 'LIQUIBASE_'. Why is it still doing it for my variable?
I am asking because we are seeing this replacmenent of environment variable in an inconsistent manor. It happens for some variables but others not and i would like to understand what is expected from liquibase product side. Should it replace random variables that do not start with the LIQUIBASE_ prefix or not?
Using liquibase: org.liquibase:liquibase-core=4.20.0
I can see from the documentation that this mechanism is supported 1 2, but documentation states it should only do this for variables starting with 'LIQUIBASE_'.
I'm not sure why did you came to this conclusion. These two links you've mentioned are referring to two completely different things:
which is a common pattern intended to minimize the possibility of conflicts as it provides some kind of namespace.Given that, the inconsistentencies you're talking about could be caused by at least two reasons: