How can I send my contact to the bot in chat? The documentation for sharePhoneNumber
says that the user must be a mutual contact. But the bot cannot be added to contacts.
I use TDLib 1.8.21. Appropriate method: TdApi.Client.SharePhoneNumberAsync
Code example:
Client = new TdClient();
await Client.SetTdlibParametersAsync(databaseDirectory: DatabaseDir,
apiId: apiId,
apiHash: apiHash,
systemLanguageCode: systemLanguageCode,
deviceModel: deviceModel,
systemVersion: systemVersion,
applicationVersion: version);
await Client.SharePhoneNumberAsync(chatId);
Everything works without exceptions, but the contact is not sent. The text message is sent, the contact is not.
This works:
await Client.SendMessageAsync(chatId, inputMessageContent: new InputMessageContent.InputMessageContact() {
Contact = new Contact() { PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber }