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How to use a different account for OAuth with dbt-core and profiles.yml?

I have a dbt-core project with the following projects.yml:

  target: dev
      type: bigquery
      method: oauth
      project: my-project-id-123456
      dataset: dbt_name
      location: EU
      threads: 8

I had 2 Google accounts (private + business) with the same email name for some unknown reason and had to delete the private account to be able to use the business account fully. But I had already used OAuth with the now deleted account and everytime I try to run dbt-core now I get the following error:

Runtime Error
  Unable to generate access token, if you're using impersonate_service_account make sure your initial account has the "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator" role on the account you are trying to impersonate.

('invalid_grant: Account has been deleted', {error': 'invalid_grant', 'error_description': 'Account has been deleted'})

I can't find a way to use my other account for OAuth? Already deleted my whole .venv folder and reinstalled dbt-bigquery.


  • Apparently dbt-core uses gcloud cli for OAuth. You can reforce a relogging (and choose a new account there) via this answer: how to switch GCP authentication account for dbt-BigQuery runs

    So the way to switch to a different GCP account is to do

    gcloud auth application-default login

    in the google cloud cli.

    I used the locally installed gcloud cli, I don't know if it works with the BQ shell in BQ directly.