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Counting nested categories in pandas/python

Aim: Get a summary table of counts of categories that are nested within another category.

Example: I have this dataframe:

# initialize data of lists.
data = {'Name': ['Tom', 'Tom', 'Tom', 'jack', 'jack', 'Mary', 'Mary', 'Mary', 'Jim', 'Jim'],
        'CEFR_level': ['A1', 'A2', 'PreA1', 'A2', 'A1','A1','B1','C1', 'A1', 'B1']}
# Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# I use this code to recode:

Easy = ["PreA1","A1", "A2"]
Medium =["B1", "B2"]
Hard = ["C1", "C2"]

data ['CEFR_categories'] = np.where(data['CEFR_level'].isin(Easy), 'Easy',
                                               np.where(data['CEFR_level'].isin(Medium), 'Medium',
                                                        np.where(data ['CEFR_level'].isin(Hard), 'Hard', 'Other')))

I managed to make the column: data ['CEFR_categories'] and categorize properly the Easy, Medium and Hard.

My problem is with the groupby.

Task: DONE I want to recode the X, Y and Z into easy, medium and hard.

I then I want to groupby combining categories. For example, the new easy category, repeats 2 times (Tom (who has in the CEFR_level 'A1', 'A2', 'PreA1') and Jack (who has A1 and A2 in the CEFR level)). Easy-Medium-Hard (repeats 1 time for Mary (which a different combination of CEFR_level which is then recoded to easy, medium and hard)) and Easy-Medium repeats 1 time for Jim.

I have for hours tried to recode this, I can recode into another column but I only have 1 category (for example) easy for the first row. (With the code above)

My output should look like this:

enter image description here

How can i group by this.

Thanks for your help


I used @Timeless answer I got the following output:

enter image description here

Any suggestions? The first 4 lines in my real data has a cat1 of: easy, easy, easy, medium. Which would result in a Easy-Medium.

But the ouput says there is none.

Final answer

This code by timeless also works.

cats = sorted(testlet_item_bank["CEFR_categories"].unique()) 
#status = dict(zip(cats, ["Easy", "Medium", "Hard"])) # this was mixing categories

ps = list(map("-".join, powerset(cats)))[1:]

out = (
      testlet_item_bank # the first chain can be optional
      .astype({"CEFR_categories": pd.CategoricalDtype(cats, ordered=True)})
      .agg(lambda x: "-".join(pd.unique(x.sort_values())))
      .reindex(ps, fill_value=0)
#    .replace(status, regex=True) this mixes categories


  • With a value_counts/powerset :

    from more_itertools import powerset
    mapper = {
        "Easy": ["PreA1", "A1", "A2"],
        "Medium": ["B1", "B2"],
        "Hard": ["C1", "C2"],
    status = {v: k for k,lst_v in mapper.items() for v in lst_v}
    df["CEFR_level"] = (
        .astype(pd.CategoricalDtype(list(mapper) + ["Other"], ordered=True))
    ps = list(map("-".join, powerset(mapper)))[1:]
    out = (
        df # the first chain can be optional
        .agg(lambda x: "-".join(pd.unique(x.sort_values())))
        .reindex(ps, fill_value=0)

    NB : If you can't install more_itertools, you can use this recipe from the docs.

    Output :

             Categories  Counts
    0              Easy       2
    1            Medium       0
    2              Hard       0
    3       Easy-Medium       1
    4         Easy-Hard       0
    5       Medium-Hard       0
    6  Easy-Medium-Hard       1
    [7 rows x 2 columns]