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Passing varible in Groovy script

I'm trying to pass a varible in a Groovy script which has been using in Jenkins pipelin but it fails.

def jsonResponse = readJSON text: uploadResponse
def uploadID = jsonResponse.message      
def response_analyze = sh(script: '''
    curl_output=$(     curl -X POST "" \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
         -H "folderId: 3" \
         -H "uploadId:${uploadID}" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

    echo \$curl_output
'''.trim(), returnStdout: true).trim()

// Parse the JSON response
def jsonResponseAnalyze = readJSON text: response_analyze
def message_analyze_ID = jsonResponseAnalyze.message

So I want to use "uploadID" variable in the curl command where "-H uploadID".

I tried with "-H "uploadId:${uploadID}" " and other stuff but still give "upload id should be integers" error.

How can I do that?


  • Use triple double quotes:

    def response_analyze = sh(script: """
        curl_output=\$(     curl -X POST "" \
             -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
             -H "folderId: 3" \
             -H "uploadId:${uploadID}" \
             -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        echo \$curl_output
    """.trim(), returnStdout: true).trim()

    Don't forget to escape $ that you want to be expanded in shell, not in groovy.