Search code examples

how can i calculate mutual friends/followers efficiently?

i need to calculate mutual friends between users, right now it is working fine, but i don't think it will work for users who have a large follower base, it will take a long to load and compare. please suggest me good db design/query(if needed). I've created tables and have a query like this:


export enum FollowStatus {

export class Followers {
  id: number;

  followerId: string;

  @ManyToOne(() => Users, { eager: true })
  @JoinColumn({ name: "followerId" })
  follower: Users;

  followedId: string;

  @ManyToOne(() => Users, { eager: true })
  @JoinColumn({ name: "followedId" })
  followed: Users;

    type: "enum",
    enum: FollowStatus,
    default: FollowStatus.REQUESTED
  status: FollowStatus;


  async getFollowers(userId: string, page: number, limit: number) {
    const builder: SelectQueryBuilder<Followers> = this.createQueryBuilder("followers")
      .where("followers.followedId = :userId", { userId })
      .andWhere("followers.status = :status", { status: "APPROVED" })
      .leftJoinAndSelect("followers.follower", "follower")
      .leftJoinAndSelect("follower.followers", "followerFollowers")
      .skip((page - 1) * limit);

    const followers = await builder.getManyAndCount();
    return followers;

main function:

async getFollowers(userId: string, page: number, limit: number) {
    page = page || DEFAULT_PAGE_NUMBER;
    limit = limit || DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;

    const followers = await this.followersRepository.getFollowers(userId, page, limit);
    const myFollowers = followers[0].map((follower) => follower.followerId);

    const response: SearchResponse<FollowerUsersInterface> = {
      data: await Promise.all(
        followers[0].map(async (user) => {
          const isFollowing = user.follower.followers.findIndex((follower) => follower.followerId == userId);

          const userFollowers = user.follower.followers;

          // count mutual followers, exluding the user itself
          const mutualFollowersCount = userFollowers.filter((follower) => {
            if (follower.followerId !== user.followerId) {
              return myFollowers.some((myFollower) => myFollower === follower.followerId && follower.status === FollowStatus.APPROVED);

          return {
            isFollowing: isFollowing > -1,
            userName: user.follower.userName,
            profilePic: await this.s3.getSignedUrl(user.follower.profilePic),
            mutualFollowers: mutualFollowersCount
          } as FollowerUsersInterface;
      totalCount: followers[1]

    return response;

sample db records:

# id    status     followerId     followedId
20    APPROVED    3              PBpq
22    APPROVED    1              PBpq
24    APPROVED    2              PBpq
25    APPROVED    PBpq           2
26    APPROVED    1              2
28    APPROVED    INOr           PBpq
29    APPROVED    2NAo           PBpq
34    APPROVED    1              2NAo
  • expected output:
  • assume your userId is PBpq
  • if I visit userId 2, i would see my mutual follower count as 1
  • explaination: me and userId 1 both are following userId 2 so, i will get mutual count 1


  • changed approach, now im getting user's followers list

      async getFollowers(userId: string, page: number, limit: number) {
        const builder: SelectQueryBuilder<Followers> = this.createQueryBuilder("followers")
          .where("followers.followedId = :userId", { userId })
          .andWhere("followers.status = :status", { status: "APPROVED" })
          .leftJoinAndSelect("followers.follower", "follower")
          .skip((page - 1) * limit);
        const followers = await builder.getManyAndCount();
        return followers;

    then iterate thru it one bye one and get mutual follower list:

     async getMutualFollowersCount(myuserId: string, userId: string): Promise<number> {
        const subQuery: SelectQueryBuilder<Followers> = this.createQueryBuilder("subFollowers")
          .where("subFollowers.followedId = :myuserId", { myuserId })
          .andWhere("subFollowers.status = :status", { status: "APPROVED" })
        const builder: SelectQueryBuilder<Followers> = this.createQueryBuilder("followers")
          .where("followers.followerId = :userId", { userId })
          .andWhere("followers.status = :status", { status: "APPROVED" })
          .andWhere(`followers.followedId IN (${subQuery.getQuery()})`)
        const mutualFollowersCount = await builder.getCount();
        return mutualFollowersCount;