I have an artifactory issue. I need to implement a retention policy, to keep just 10 artifacts per folder. and I need help with that.
This is my initial curl command, to get all folders with the count > 10,
execute_aql() {
# Execute AQL query to find folders with more than 10 artifacts
curl_response=$(curl -s -u "admin:$API_KEY" -X POST "$ARTIFACTORY_URL/artifactory/api/search/aql" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d 'items.find({"type": "folder", "repo": "'"$REPO_NAME"'"}).include("name","children.items.name","children.items.@count").filter(function(item){ return item.children.items.@count > 10 })')
# Print the response
echo "$curl_response"
but it isnt working as expected, in fact it fails:
+ ./retPolicy.sh
Failed to parse query: items.find({"type": "folder", "repo": "HLRP_GENERIC_DEV"}).include("name","children.items.name","children.items.@count").filter(function(item){ return item.children.items.@count > 10 }), it looks like there is syntax error near the following sub-query: children.items.name","children.items.@count").filter(function(item){ return item.children.items.@count > 10 })
And I dont know why!
I wanted to add a sort algorithm on top of it, to sort by time, and delete the oldest artifacts, but I didnt come that far!
Hopefully you guys can help me out!
Thanks for reading this!
AQL is very powerful, but it is not JavaScript and does not support the syntax you tried to use.
To achieve your goal you can use AQL in the way described below. Please note that -
you can use the JFrog CLI which makes it simpler and also provides ability to delete files using AQL (see notes below)Given a repository, find all the folders in the repository:
"results" : [ {
"repo" : "my-repo",
"path" : "some/path",
"name" : "foo"
}, ...
"range" : { ... }
Notes -
), but in general it is better to focus the search with exact match (i.e. equal).For each folder from step 1 - find the files in the folder, sort descending by created
time (can be sorted by modified
"results" : [ {
"repo" : "my-repo",
"path" : "some/path/foo",
"name" : "bar.txt",
"created" : "2023-09-04T10:40:58.737Z"
}, {
"repo" : "my-repo",
"path" : "some/path/foo",
"name" : "baz.txt",
"created" : "2023-09-04T10:35:43.274Z"
}, ... ],
"range" : { ... }
For each folder - keep the first 10 files, every other file can be deleted.
Using the JFrog CLI you can change the steps above to -
See blog on Efficient mass artifact cleanup method using JFrog CLI and AQL