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Angular dynamic route outlets not working

I have a simple route config

const appRoutes: Route[] = [
    path: 'route',
    outlet: 'outlet',
    component: TestComponent,

What I want to do is each time create router outlet button is clicked, update current app route config with a new route similar to existing route above but with different outlet name. Create a new route outlet with name attribute set to outlet-1

 const appRoutes: Route[] = [
        path: 'route',
        outlet: 'outlet',
        component: TestComponent,
        path: 'route',
        outlet: 'outlet-1',
        component: TestComponent,

<router-outlet name="outlet-1"/>

When I navigate to this new route outlet, TestComponent should be rendered below respective outlet.

this.router.navigate([{ outlets: { ['outlet-1']: ['route'] } } ]);

I am able to achieve what I described above but test component is created multiple times.

Here is a stackblitz

open brower console

click on the button once -> test component constructor. logged once.

click on the button 2nd time -> test component constructor. logged 2 times.

click on the button 3rd time -> test component constructor. logged 3 times.


Ideally message should be logged once per button click. what's the issue?


  • After redefining a router via resetConfig(), Angular re-renders all the components into the routes again.