I have the following kusto query:
| where StatusCode != 200
| summarize ErrorCount=count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), StatusCode
This gives me data like this:
Now I want to render this in a stacked columnchart, but if I add the render columnchart
it does this:
This is not what I want, I want the graph to stack the errorCount, with different colors and then display the StatusCode in the legend, so you would get something like this (picture taken from internet blog):
What do I need to to do to get to this result? Any help is very much appreciated.
In case it matters, the data is from Azure Monitor.
You probably need to specify more properties for the column chart for this to look how you want it.
let T = datatable(TimeGenerated:datetime, StatusCode:int, ErrorCount:int) [
datetime("2024-03-26"), 304, 3,
datetime("2024-03-26"), 404, 5,
datetime("2024-03-27"), 304, 10,
datetime("2024-03-27"), 404, 2,
datetime("2024-03-27"), 405, 1,
datetime("2024-03-28"), 404, 1,
datetime("2024-03-28"), 301, 2
| extend StatusCode = tostring(StatusCode)
| render columnchart with (kind=stacked, series=StatusCode)
Edit: Sorry noticed you said Azure Monitor, we need to do something slightly different, see the updated code above for Log Analytics functional.