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Is there a JDK for Mac OS that you can debug with LLDB?

I am currently trying to debug a problem in a Java program that at some point jumps into a JNI function and never returns from it. So to debug this JNI code I want to attach LLDB. The problem is that the Java process does not have the entitlement set, so the debugger cannot attach to the process.

Apparently one possible solution is to disable system integrity protection at boot time. As I am working on a company machine this is sadly not possible for me.

Is there a JDK version that has the required entitlement set?


  • I don't know if there are any pre-compiled JDK binaries with set, but if you are willing to compile the binary from source there is a configuration option to set the entitlement: --with-macosx-codesign=debug which will attempt to perform adhoc signing to add the special entitlement

    You can read how to compile your own JDK from:
    Here: How to compile the JDK from sources? at
    and Here Building the JDK. at

    if you are willing to download a bunch of JDKs, you can use codesign -d --entitlements :- /path/to/jdk/bin/java to check for the get-task-allow entitlement or codesign -dv --verbose=4 /path/to/jdk/bin/java to see if Signature=adhoc is set