Getting all the CA policies using,
$uri = ""
$response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $CustomHeader -OutputType PSObject
Property, for example,
list App Id, not the App display name.
Get-MgApplication -all
Only returns custom applications and not Azure default Apps. Found this link, Helpful but not complete.
Any ideas on how to get the Azure default app list using Graph or (Azure) PowerShell module?
Thanks ...
I have few conditional access policies that included with applications like this:
To get these display names for App IDs in all Azure Conditional Access policies, you can make use of below sample PowerShell script:
$uri = ""
$response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $CustomHeader -OutputType PSObject
$AppIds = @()
# Iterate through each policy to extract application IDs
foreach ($policy in $response.value) {
$applicationIds = $policy.conditions.applications.includeApplications
$AppIds += $applicationIds | Where-Object { $_ -notin $AppIds }
$output = @()
foreach ($appId in $AppIds) {
$servicePrincipals = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter "appId eq '$appId'"
foreach ($sp in $servicePrincipals) {
$output += [PSCustomObject]@{
'Application DisplayName' = $sp.displayName
'AppId' = $sp.appId
$output | Format-Table -AutoSize