In my application I have two release configurations and I am able to change the splash screen based on the configuration with the condition attribute in SplashScreen like this
<None Remove="Resources\Splash screen\Logo1.png" Condition="'$(Configuration)'!='Release1'" />
<None Remove="Resources\Splash screen\Logo2.png" Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release2'" />
<SplashScreen Include="Resources\Splash screen\Logo1.png" Condition="'$(Configuration)'!='Release1'" />
<SplashScreen Include="Resources\Splash screen\Logo2.png" Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release2'" />
I want to achieve the same thing with the applicationIcon but there is no condition attribute, how do I do?
<RootNamespace>$(MSBuildProjectName.Replace(" ", ""))</RootNamespace>
I also tried to do the same thing with the Icon in all the separate windows instead but without luck due to no condition attribute.
You can have conditional property groups, so you could do something like this:
<RootNamespace>$(MSBuildProjectName.Replace(" ", ""))</RootNamespace>
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release1'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release2'">