I have a table which has two column rID, SequenceNo values will be something like
Table name - Maintable
rid | seqno |
r1 | 1 |
r2 | 2 |
r3 | 3 |
r4 | 4 |
r5 | 5 |
Please note above is just an example there can N no of rows.
Now if we get a request like
r1 needs to have sequence no 5
r2 needs to have sequence no 4
r5 needs to have sequence no 2
So the request for update will be got as below,
**create table #apprevisedsequence
mid varchar(10),
appsequence int
insert into #apprevisedsequence
select r1,5
insert into #apprevisedsequence
select r2,4
insert into #apprevisedsequence
select r5,2
update a set a.seqno = b.Appsequence
from maintable a join
#apprevisedsequence b on a.rid = b.mid**
The above code will handle the required seqno for r1, r2 and r5. But we need to update r3 and r4 in a sequential way such that r3 is updated as 1 and r4 updated as 3 since that has the highest sequential order previously. Can anyone help me with script so that this can handle with even 10 rows or 20 rows and request can be 5 or 10 rows.
So my expected result set will be like
rid | seqno |
r3 | 1 |
r5 | 2 |
r4 | 3 |
r2 | 4 |
r1 | 5 |
We can update the request as received but not sure how we can update the remaining rows based on range
This might be a bit long winded but it works.
The idea is to get a list of fixed values (the 3 you know), then a list of RIDs with no fixed value and a list of seq numbers with no fixed value, assign each a row number an then join these to fill in the gaps.
DECLARE @t TABLE (rid varchar(10), seqno int);
('r1', 1),
('r2', 2),
('r3', 3),
('r4', 4),
('r5', 5);
DECLARE @fixed TABLE(rid varchar(10), seqno int);
('r5', 2),
('r2', 4),
('r1', 5);
WITH SeqenceNos AS
(SELECT t.seqno, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY t.seqno) as RowN
FROM @t t
LEFT JOIN @fixed f on t.seqno = f.seqno
WHERE f.seqno is null)
(SELECT t.rid, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY t.rid) as RowN
FROM @t t
LEFT JOIN @fixed f on t.rid = f.rid
WHERE f.rid is null)
SET seqno = ISNULL(f.seqno, s.seqno)
FROM @t t
LEFT JOIN @fixed f on t.rid = f.rid
LEFT JOIN RIDs r on t.rid = r.rid
LEFT JOIN SeqenceNos s on r.RowN = s.RowN;
Here's a fiddle of it in action