Grafna works fine with SSL disabled at RDS postgres configuration but when enabled Grafana start throwing below error.
db query error: pq: no pg_hba.conf entry for host <IP>, user "grafana", database "system_monitor", no encryption
I tried to find steps to configure Datasource connection with "TLS/SSL Mode" required. But I am sure from where I should get "TLS/SSL Client Certificate" and "TLS/SSL Client Key"
Please point me to correct documentation or share steps to configure this.
Note: Grafana is service and not hosted on EC2.
Thanks in advance.
TLS secure config (not ignoring TLS cert verification): You need to configure TLS/SSL Root Certificate
, where you need to paste PEM root CA, which you can download from (don't be tempted to use Certificate bundles for all AWS Regions
- they are huge and may brick your Grafana, just use smaller region specific CA certs).