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How do I improve the performance of this C# code - looping through a DataTable and building a Dictionary?

I am looping through a collection (DataTable) where each item has a "group number" and building a dictionary where each key corresponds to the group number. There's about a million records in the DataTable and I am running into memory issues when this runs. I was wondering if I could get some feedback on how to make this perform better. I think maybe one issue is where I am creating a new tempList on each iteration.

I really appreciate any feedback here.

Dictionary<int, IEnumerable<Item>> itemGroups = new Dictionary<int, IEnumerable<Item>>();
foreach (DataRow row in dtItems.Rows)
    Item item = new Item(row["ID"].ToString(),

    Int32.TryParse(row["GroupNum"].ToString(), out int groupNum);
    if (!itemGroups.ContainsKey(groupNum))
        List<Item> itemList = new List<Item>();
        itemGroups.Add(groupNum, itemList);
        var tempList = itemGroups[groupNum].ToList();
        itemGroups[groupNum] = tempList;


  • You can simplify it by using LINQ. The GroupBy extension method is already optimized for aggregating items.

    Dictionary<int, List<Item>> itemGroups = dtItems.Rows.Cast<DataRow>()
        .GroupBy(row => (int)row["GroupNum"])
        .ToDictionary(g => g.Key,
            g => g.Select(row => new Item(

    As other have already pointed out, don't convert values if you can cast them. If the GroupNum column contains an int, then simply cast the value to int. However, if a column is nullable, then it can contain a DBNull.Value. Let's assume that ID and Name are NOT NULL columns but that the Description is optional and therefore a NULL column. Then you could optimize the creation of an item like this:

    g => g.Select(row => new Item(

    Note also that an IEnumerable<T> queries the source every time it is enumerated. An IEnumerable<T> is not a collection, but a way to iterate over a data source. We could have dropped the .ToList() and typed the dictionary values as IEnumerable<Item> instead. But with the consequence that enumerating the dictionary values would have executed the whole Select including the new Item(...) every time.

    see also: Understanding C# LINQ’s deferred execution