I am using the BizTalk Instrumentation Best Practices to add custom traces to the already available BizTalk components ETW providers. I also use the BizTalk CAT Instrumentation Framework Controller to manage my ETW traces and log them to an ETL binary file. Once traces are produce, the "tracefmt.exe" tool together with the "Default.tmf" event definition file provided with the framework help produce simple text files containing logs such as:
011BC.15A4::11:08:46.139 Event:TRACEIN: Microsoft(…).segment1("Orchestration start.") => 82ed2e95-130a-4f28-8fd8-e921b6ef9c40
11BC.15A4::11:08:46.139 [Event]:INFO: Some useful information logged here
11BC.15A4::11:08:46.139 [Event]:TRACEOUT: Microsoft(...).segment1("Orchestration end.") = <void> <= [82ed2e95-130a-4f28-8fd8-e921b6ef9c40]
This is all very useful, but it seems the amount of information actually stored in the ETW events is limited. I therefore have a few questions to push the usability of the logs and framework further:
Many thanks!
If you are interested, please have a look at the answer I have received on a MS BizTalk forum:
Short conclusion: the CAT best practices can be useful for a quick solution to log through the built-in BizTalk Server ETW channels, but offers little in terms of customization.