I have 2 tables: User and User_login_log
I wrote a select statement in Laravel to get perticular user's data and want to retrive their loged in months from User_login_log.
But, the problem is that I have multiple entries for a single user in User_login_log table. like:
User Id Month_no
2022 2
2022 3
2022 4
If I right join the User_login_log table with User table, and write:
$result = User::rightjoin('user_login_logs', 'user_login_logs.user_id', 'users.id')
->select(;users.id', 'users.first_name', 'users.last_name','user_login_logs.month_no')
->where( 'users.batch_id', session()->get('batch_id'))
->whereIn('users.id', $array)...
then I only get 1 month_no in the retrived data.
got result:
User_id first_name last_name Month_no
2022 **** **** 2
2023 **** **** 1
I want result:
User_id first_name last_name Month_no
2022 **** **** 2,3,4
2023 **** **** (login months)
I think you should be using a left join along with a raw select and GROUP_CONCAT()
$result = User::leftjoin('user_login_logs', 'user_login_logs.user_id', 'users.id')
->selectRaw('users.id, users.first_name, users.last_name, GROUP_CONCAT(user_login_logs.month_no ORDER BY user_login_logs.month_no) AS Month_no')
->where('users.batch_id', session()->get('batch_id'))
->whereIn('users.id', $array)
->groupBy('users.id', 'users.first_name', 'users.last_name');