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Shell script appending filenames more than once?

Sorry for the novice question. Does anyone know how to 'fix' this shell script so that it doesn't append files in sub-folders multiple times?


# Function to append compression type to filename
append_compression_type() {
    local file="$1"
    local compression_type="$2"

    # Remove extension from filename
    local filename_no_ext="${file%.*}"

    # Append compression type to filename
    local new_filename="${filename_no_ext}_${compression_type}.${file##*.}"

    # Rename the file
    mv "$file" "$new_filename"

    echo "Renamed $file to $new_filename"

# Recursive function to process images in a directory
process_directory() {
    local directory="$1"

    # Find all image files in the directory
    find "$directory" -type f \( -iname "*.dds" \) | while read -r image_file; do
        # Get the compression type of the image
        local compression_type=$(identify -format '%C' "$image_file" 2>/dev/null)

        # If compression type is not empty
        if [ -n "$compression_type" ]; then
            append_compression_type "$image_file" "$compression_type"

    # Process subdirectories
    find "$directory" -mindepth 1 -type d | while read -r subdirectory; do
        process_directory "$subdirectory"

# Start processing from the current directory
process_directory "."

It works for any files in the same folder as the script but any files in sub-folder get appended multiple times as previously stated.


  • This line does not need the parentheses in the find expression:

    find "$directory" -type f \( -iname "*.dds" \) | while read -r image_file; do

    Did you mean to have a more complex expression inside the parens?

    The reason you're getting files processed multiple times is that the find command above outputs not only file matching the *.dds glob in the $directory but also all subdirectories. So when you then do this you are processing the *.dds files in each immediate subdirectory a second time and each *.dds file in the second level subdirectory a third time, etcetera:

    find "$directory" -mindepth 1 -type d | while read -r subdirectory; do

    If you really want to process each directory independent of the others add a -maxdepth 1 to your first find command. Or, just omit the second find block.