We're using Flurl v3.0.7 and Flurl.Http v3.2.4. To set up a proxy for a client, we use a helper class:
public class ProxyHttpClientFactory : DefaultHttpClientFactory {
private readonly string _address;
public ProxyHttpClientFactory
string address
_address = address;
public override HttpMessageHandler CreateMessageHandler()
return new HttpClientHandler
Proxy = new WebProxy(_address),
UseProxy = true
Then we call it like:
IFlurlClient restClient = new
.Configure(settings => {
settings.HttpClientFactory =
new ProxyHttpClientFactory("http://proxy.domain.com:port");});
DataOut out = await "https://your.server.com/api/v1/baseaddress/endpointaddress"
How do you accomplish the same using Flurl 4.0.x? I found examples at https://flurl.dev/docs/configuration/?#message-handlers, but they do not resemble our current approach, so I'm not sure how to adapt them. Basically, I need to solve the same problem I posted at How to set up a proxy server for a flurl client selectively?, but now using Flurl 4.0.x.
This would be the most direct translation of your code to 4.0:
var restClient = new FlurlClientBuilder("https://your.server.com/api/v1/baseaddress")
.ConfigureInnerHandler(h => {
h.Proxy = new WebProxy("http://proxy.domain.com:port");
h.UseProxy = true;
DataOut out = await restClient