Screenshot illustrating the problem
TASK: separate the location
column into two columns for latitude and longitude.
Location column:
(37.709725805163, -122.413623946206)
TRIM(leading '(' FROM LEFT(location, POSITION(',' IN location) - 1)) AS latitude,
TRIM(trailing ')' FROM RIGHT(location, LENGTH(location) - POSITION(',' IN location) ) ) AS longitude
PROBLEM: I want to know why this query works because I don't understand it at all.
You have to read it from the outside in. It helps to space it all out.
leading '(' FROM
POSITION(',' IN location) - 1
POSITION(',' IN location)
returns the offset of the first ,
in location
. In your example (37.709725805163, -122.413623946206)
that's 17. Subtracting one excludes the comma, 16.
LEFT(location, POSITION(',' IN location) - 1)
evaluates in your example to left(location, 16)
and returns everything in location
which is left of the given position: first ,
except the comma. (37.709725805163
Finally TRIM( leading '(' from LEFT(location, POSITION(',' IN location) - 1))
evaluates to TRIM( leading '(' from
and removes everything from the string before and including the first '('. 37.709725805163
You should be able to figure out the second one.