I’m trying to make a button in Swift and make it so it does two separate actions depending on if you’ve tapped it, or long pressed it. But I also want it to open a page ONLY once you’ve released the button after holding it, and i can’t figure that out anywhere. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
I tried using the .TapGesture
and a .simultaneousGesture
(LongPressGesture) and it didn’t work.
ends when the duration of the press has reached minimumDuration
, not when the finger is lifted (end of the touch).
does end at the end of the touch, so you can use it to detect releasing the button, and use an additional LongPressGesture
to set a flag to true once it ended. You would then do one of the two different things depending on the flag.
For example, here is an example where the button prints "Tap Action" when the touch lasts less than 2 seconds, and "Long Press Action" when the touch lasts more than 2 seconds.
@State private var isLongPress = false
DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0).onEnded { _ in
if isLongPress {
print("Long Press Action")
} else {
print("Tap Action")
isLongPress = false
LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 2, maximumDistance: .infinity)
.onEnded { _ in
isLongPress = true
The max duration of a "tap" (as detected by TapGesture
) is not documented, so you can't exactly replicate the behaviour of onTapGesture
with this approach.