This function searches for a key in a Binary Search Tree and returns the parent of the node that equals key. But for some reason my output when I call this function remains as None. My testing looks like this:
bst =
/ \
12 30
/ \ / \
8 20 25 40
b = bst.parent_r(20)
def parent_r(self, key):
Returns the value of the parent node in a bst given a key.
key - a key value (?)
value - a copy of the value in a node that is the parent of the
key node, None if the key is not found.
assert self._root is not None, "Cannot locate a parent in an empty BST"
parent = self.parent_r_aux(self._root, key)
return parent
def parent_r_aux(self, node, key):
parent = None
if node is None:
return None
lparent = self.parent_r_aux(node._left, key)
if lparent is None:
rparent = self.parent_r_aux(node._right, key)
if node._left is not None or node._right is not None:
if node._left._value == key or node._right._value == key:
parent = node._value
return parent
From my testing I am expecting to get the node value, 12
You'll need to check if the values are found in the recursive calls, then return if so.
def parent_r_aux(self, node, key):
if node is None:
return None
parent = self.parent_r_aux(node._left, key)
if parent:
return parent
parent = self.parent_r_aux(node._right, key)
if parent:
return parent
if node._left and node._left._value == key:
return node
if node._right and node._right._value == key:
return node