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Install tinytex into Rstudio Docker

I am trying to dockerize an Rstudio container, where a quarto document will be rendered to pdf. Everything else in the container runs fine, however, when I try to render the quarto document, I get this error:

running xelatex - 1

No TeX installation was detected.

Please run 'quarto install tinytex' to install TinyTex.
If you prefer, you may install TexLive or another TeX distribution.

This is my Dockerfile:

FROM rocker/tidyverse:4.3.2

RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install \
    && install2.r --error --skipmissing --deps TRUE --skipinstalled \
    tidyverse \
    car \
    corrplot \
    cowplot \
    tidymodels \
    knitr \
    kableExtra \
    testthat \

RUN Rscript -e 'tinytex::install_tinytex()'

I have tried adding the following lines to the Dockerfile on separate occasions but none of them worked.

RUN install2.r --error --skipmissing --deps TRUE --skipinstalled tinytex
RUN quarto install tinytex
RUN apt-get wget 
RUN wget -qO- "" | sh


  • 🗎 Dockerfile

    FROM rocker/tidyverse:4.3.2
    RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install \
        && install2.r --error --skipmissing --deps TRUE --skipinstalled \
            tidyverse \
            car \
            corrplot \
            cowplot \
            tidymodels \
            knitr \
            kableExtra \
            testthat \
    RUN Rscript -e 'tinytex::install_tinytex()'
    ENV PATH="${PATH}:/root/bin"
    RUN tlmgr update --self
    RUN tlmgr update --all
    RUN tlmgr install \
            koma-script \
            caption \
            pgf \
            environ \
            tikzfill \
            tcolorbox \
    # TEST ========================================================================
    COPY minimal.qmd .
    CMD quarto render minimal.qmd

    🗎 minimal.qmd

    title: "Minimal Quarto Document"
    format: pdf
    # Introduction
    This is a test document.

    enter image description here

    Okay, so that works. But what if you want to mount a volume with the markdown file and render it from RStudio?

    Update Dockerfile.

    FROM rocker/tidyverse:4.3.2
    RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install \
        && install2.r --error --skipmissing --deps TRUE --skipinstalled \
            tidyverse \
            car \
            corrplot \
            cowplot \
            tidymodels \
            knitr \
            kableExtra \
            testthat \
    USER rstudio
    RUN Rscript -e 'tinytex::install_tinytex()'
    ENV PATH="${PATH}:/home/rstudio/bin"
    RUN tlmgr update --self
    RUN tlmgr update --all
    RUN tlmgr install \
            koma-script \
            caption \
            pgf \
            environ \
            tikzfill \
            tcolorbox \
    USER root

    The LaTeX distribution is being installed as the rstudio user.

    Build and launch.

    docker build -t rstudio-tinytex .
    docker run -it --rm \
      -e PASSWORD=password \
      -p 8787:8787 \
      -v $(pwd):/home/rstudio/workspace \

    Navigate to and login with user rstudio and password password (you can set something more secure via the PASSWORD environment variable). Then within RStudio go to the workspace/ directory, open the file and render.

    enter image description here