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"About" page not working when using a fresh hugo apero build

I followed the exact same instruction as described here:

Everthing works, I can stage, commit and push from within R Studio to GitHub. Now I want to get the Apero site up and running using:


new_site(theme = "hugo-apero/hugo-apero", 
         format = "toml",
         sample = FALSE,
         empty_dirs = TRUE)

When asked whether the site should be served I chose y

Want to serve and preview the site now? (y/n)

The site builds with no errors in R Studio, however, when I click the About section, I get this error below (all other sections work, i.e. Blog, Projects, etc.)...

enter image description here


  • Spenting days searching for this solution, i've found it. I made a pull request in the theme documentation, you can look for it in the link below.

    But explaining it here, you must change the a value in the file, located in content/about path. There, change the Headless = true, to false, and the 'About' section gonna show up.