Search code examples

Code is saying "TypeError: 'int' object is not callable"

This is the code:

print ("____________________________")
            print ("Advanced calculator selected")
            print ("Experimental! May break.")
            print ("NOTE: Does not work with variables... yet.")
            print ("Key:", "\"()\" mean parenthesis", "\"^\" mean exponent", "\"*\" means multiplication", "\"/\" means division", "\"+\" means addition", "\"-\" means subtraction", sep="\n  ")
            option = "3(5+3)" #input("Equation to solve:").strip()
            option2 = list(option)
            count = -1
            c = True
            while count < len(option2) - 1:
                if c is True:
                    count += 1
                    c = False
                elif c is False:
                    c = True
                if option2[count] == " ":
                    count -= 1
                elif option2[count] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] and option2[count + 1] == "(":
                    option2.insert(count + 1, "*")
                    count += 1
                elif option2[count] in ["(", ")", "*", "/", "+", "-"]:
                elif option2[count] == "^":
                    option2.insert(count, "**")
                elif str(option2[count]).isalpha() is True:
                    print ("Option not recognized, restarting")
            print (option2)
            answer = "".join(option2)
            print (answer.isascii())
            answer = eval(str(answer))
            print (answer)

I can't figure out why it's saying this. It's supposed to just spit out that equation in option as a number but it's instead giving an error.

I have tried using str(), I've tried map(). I have 0 clue what is wrong, ChatGPT didn't help either, and neither did documentation on the function.


  • Every element of option2 is a string. That means this statement will never be true:

                    elif option2[count] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] and option2[count + 1] == "(":
                        option2.insert(count + 1, "*")
                        count += 1

    Instead, you want to know if the string contains ASCII digits:

                    elif option2[count].isdigit() and option2[count + 1] == "(":
                        option2.insert(count + 1, "*")
                        count += 1

    I don't know what your c flag is trying to, but it seems pointless. Why don't you just do the more Pythonic way:

    for char in option:

    You can build a new string to be evaled, if you need to, although eval is inherently dangerous.